Clint Bolick idolizes Milton Friedman, and considers Friedman and his wife "the godparents" of the school choice movement. In many ways, we have Milton Friedman to thank for the present monster Leviathan State in America.
A review of Voucher Wars: Waging the Legal Battle over School Choice by author Clint Bolick:
Bolick correctly describes the dismal condition of the public school system, but fails to offer the correct solution: the complete separation of school from state. The Gordian Knot stays uncut. He insists that "it is nothing less than criminal to fail to consider private options in a rescue mission" for children in failing public schools. But is it any less criminal to compel a citizen to pay for the education of someone else's children?
Bolick should have read Ludwig von Mises: "There is, in fact, only one solution: the state, the government, the laws must not in any way concern themselves with schooling or education. Public funds must not be used for such purposes. The rearing and instruction of youth must be left entirely to parents and to private association and institutions."
Bolick holds up the Milwaukee voucher program as "a model for the nation." But this program has been severely criticized by even voucher supporters such as John Merrifield, in his book School Choices.
As a lawyer, Bolick can be forgiven for his claim that "litigation could in fact change the world," but as a libertarian he should know better.
Bolick "idolizes" Milton Friedman, and considers Friedman and his wife "the godparents" of the school choice movement. Friedman or his educational foundation is mentioned about twenty-five times in the book. The longest blurb on the back cover is written by Friedman. But as Murray Rothbard showed: "In many ways, we have Milton Friedman to thank for the present monster Leviathan State in America."
To those parents who would use vouchers to send their children to a private school, vouchers do seem like they empower parents and provide educational freedom. But vouchers are not about educational freedom, they are an income transfer program from the "rich" to the poor. Bolick even admits that vouchers are "a form of income redistribution."
But considering the state of public education in America, aren't vouchers a step in the right direction? Aren't they better than doing nothing? To the contrary—vouchers will make the present system worse. Rather than increasing educational opportunity, vouchers will increase the government's grip on education, increase the costs of education, increase people's dependency on the state, and increase the overall power of the state.
Since the state always controls what it subsidizes, private schools that accept voucher payments will be subject to increased regulation. Given the state's track record, it is inconceivable that it could be otherwise. Private schools will be responsible to the state instead of to parents.
Vouchers are an income transfer program in two respects. Not only will people be forced to pay for the education of other people's children, voucher dollars will be an additional tax burden. Voucher proposals never advocate any reduction in funding for public schools to pay for them.
The state may eventually embrace vouchers if it can use them to its own advantage to foster increased dependency on the state. With a voucher system, both parents and children will look to the state for educational services more so than they do now.
Although Bolick uses the language of the free market and argues that "for those of us who consider ourselves libertarians, the school choice movement is a textbook example of effectively reducing the scope and power of government," many libertarians disagree. Hans Sennholz , the former president of the Foundation for Economic Education, argues that "the very premise of the voucher system is identical to that of the present system of state education. It builds on the coercive powers of the state that raise and dispense the funds according to certain qualifications and conditions. It is neither a stepping stone to educational freedom nor offers a viable alternative."
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A review of Voucher Wars: Waging the Legal Battle over School Choice by author Clint Bolick:
Bolick correctly describes the dismal condition of the public school system, but fails to offer the correct solution: the complete separation of school from state. The Gordian Knot stays uncut. He insists that "it is nothing less than criminal to fail to consider private options in a rescue mission" for children in failing public schools. But is it any less criminal to compel a citizen to pay for the education of someone else's children?
Bolick should have read Ludwig von Mises: "There is, in fact, only one solution: the state, the government, the laws must not in any way concern themselves with schooling or education. Public funds must not be used for such purposes. The rearing and instruction of youth must be left entirely to parents and to private association and institutions."
Bolick holds up the Milwaukee voucher program as "a model for the nation." But this program has been severely criticized by even voucher supporters such as John Merrifield, in his book School Choices.
As a lawyer, Bolick can be forgiven for his claim that "litigation could in fact change the world," but as a libertarian he should know better.
Bolick "idolizes" Milton Friedman, and considers Friedman and his wife "the godparents" of the school choice movement. Friedman or his educational foundation is mentioned about twenty-five times in the book. The longest blurb on the back cover is written by Friedman. But as Murray Rothbard showed: "In many ways, we have Milton Friedman to thank for the present monster Leviathan State in America."
To those parents who would use vouchers to send their children to a private school, vouchers do seem like they empower parents and provide educational freedom. But vouchers are not about educational freedom, they are an income transfer program from the "rich" to the poor. Bolick even admits that vouchers are "a form of income redistribution."
But considering the state of public education in America, aren't vouchers a step in the right direction? Aren't they better than doing nothing? To the contrary—vouchers will make the present system worse. Rather than increasing educational opportunity, vouchers will increase the government's grip on education, increase the costs of education, increase people's dependency on the state, and increase the overall power of the state.
Since the state always controls what it subsidizes, private schools that accept voucher payments will be subject to increased regulation. Given the state's track record, it is inconceivable that it could be otherwise. Private schools will be responsible to the state instead of to parents.
Vouchers are an income transfer program in two respects. Not only will people be forced to pay for the education of other people's children, voucher dollars will be an additional tax burden. Voucher proposals never advocate any reduction in funding for public schools to pay for them.
The state may eventually embrace vouchers if it can use them to its own advantage to foster increased dependency on the state. With a voucher system, both parents and children will look to the state for educational services more so than they do now.
Although Bolick uses the language of the free market and argues that "for those of us who consider ourselves libertarians, the school choice movement is a textbook example of effectively reducing the scope and power of government," many libertarians disagree. Hans Sennholz , the former president of the Foundation for Economic Education, argues that "the very premise of the voucher system is identical to that of the present system of state education. It builds on the coercive powers of the state that raise and dispense the funds according to certain qualifications and conditions. It is neither a stepping stone to educational freedom nor offers a viable alternative."
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